This blog was named as Tumptee. I am Nana, 19 on 19March. Deeply in love with Hey!SAY!Jump, mangas, Doraemon and Yaotome Hikaru <3 hate Ginger but loves milk =D

Favourite Songs from Arashi, NewS & AKB48 <3 &, finally -- ? Hey!Say!JUMP!.


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Layout: Nicole
Resources: I II

Friday, July 22, 2011

wahhaaaaa halo to tumptee~~
=D =D =D

im changing my layout again.. i want to make it SIMPLE BUT NICE ~..
but all simple and nice layouts are all pink =.= ..
(im not really like pink) but its ok.. =)

today my friends and I went to tuition class .. but before that we ordered delivery pizza!! (^-^)~~ its Hawaiian Chicken!!!

its definitely soo delicious!! eventhough im such a eataholic but today i dont eat much because recently i dont feel comfort with my stomach. after I eat, definitely i will feel like want to vomit.. T_T .. and until now i still hvnt recover..
and because of that i also cant do dubs too! erghh.!

i have so many lines i havnt send yet.. and im truly sorry because delaying until now..~ .. i definitely will record my lines once i recovered! ..

thats all bye nyao nyao ~

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